Information for Hope PMBA Enduro Series round 3.
Here is the rider and spectator information, we are aware there is a lot of information but please do not use this as an excuse for not reading it thoroughly, and knowing what you need to do and what rules to follow. More information will be added as we approach the event.
Danger ! Racing mountain bikes is a dangerous sport. You should assure you're familiar with the warning signs and a tracks should not be hit at race speed until you are comfortable with your ability on each stage.
As always we rely on volunteer marshals to make these events a success, if you know somebody who would be interested please ask them to e-mail mike@borderline-events.co.uk We still need more Marshals for this event, Saturday &/or Sunday.
We are now able to allow Go-Pros in race runs! But only mounted as per UCI rules, bike or peak, no helmet mounted cams or body mounted camera's
Youth Riders!
This year we started with a U15 category (Under 15 on 31st December 2017) but we updated this to U16 (Under 16 on 31st December 2017) before round 2. This is from rider numbers and feedback from entrants. Gisburn results were re-processed for the series standings, and added to the Lee Quarry results.
As organisers we have a duty of care to look after all our racers. Any racer that is under 16 years of age on the first day of the event must ride/race accompanied by an adult (Min age 18) support racer/rider. If the support rider does not wish to obtain an entry and race we will issue a blank board with ‘support rider’ and for this there is no charge – In this instance there will be no timings given and no transponder issued. The support rider/racer must accompany the youth rider for the duration of the event.
There are still entries available for this event and others within the Borderline Events on the SportIdent Website here (login required).
Litter :
Please be clean and dispose of litter correctly.
Series standings
What to expect?
5 stages over a 13 mile loop. Some new fresh cut sections, some classics and a lot of loam.
Check out last years video
HOPE/PMBA 2016 - Round 5, Kirroughtree. from HDDN on Vimeo.
Campsite open, free* camping for all entrants (*Free Camping, just pay for weekend car parking £5/weekend on our field)
Forest open as normal, stages will be taped.
Please park in our camp field and pay our marshal.
0745 marshal brief
0900 track live
1200 practice finish
1230 first racers leave
1430 last racers leave
1645 racing finished
1715 podiums
1745 done and dusted
Sponsors are: Breakpad bike shop, Hope Technology, Datatag Security, Orange Mountain Bikes, Sixth Element, O'Neal, KS Dropper Seatposts, Lazer Helmets, Kirkby Lonsdale Brewery, Mudhugger, Saxx Underwear United Utilities & Ride Slovenia.
The Venue: Kirroughtree Forest and visitor centre. Stronord, Newton Stewart, DG8 7BE
Organisation: Borderline Events www.borderline-events.co.uk & SMK for PMBA Enduro www.pmba.org.uk/enduro
Race Director: Mike Marsden email: mike@borderline-events.co.uk mobile: 07921 453033
It’s important you have a read of all the info here – It will answer almost any question you could possibly have, there is a lot here but please take the time to look through it….. for starters just a few points that are very very important
Fires – Fires are not permitted. BBQ's must be above ground.
If you lose or damage your transponder you have to pay for it – The cost is £50.00
Parking is £5 for the weekend on our field (£3 Sunday)
Camping for Caravans, Campervans and tents is on the field you pass on the way in - see signposts.
Go Pro’s / Cameras – permitted in practice and NOW ALSO PERMITTED in race runs . Bike or Peak mounting only as per UCI guidelines
Follow the instructions given by the parking marshals during the weekend
Race lap: The exact start times will be confirmed/selected on the weekend. Competitors will set off in groups of 12 every 5 mins.
You MUST report to the set off point close to sign-on at your designated time to get your transponder switched on otherwise you will get no times for the stages, you will also receive a briefing before your race lap. Feel free to ask questions.
We will not confirm nor deny that Mike will be doing the rider briefing in briefs to highlight the comfort of the Saxx Underwear.
And finally remember – this is a fun event, be relaxed and about enjoying riding your bikes!
EFAR will be providing cover over practice and race day. Full Medical Cover will be provided, both on each stage and from an identifiable Base Station in the event Arena. A 4 Wheel Drive Vehicle will be on hand if needed.
Red Flags / Yellow flags & Whistles: During practice Red and Yellow flags will be in use – The yellow flag means slow right down, There may be a rider on course or perhaps on the floor but out of the way. Red Flag means STOP This means what it says – There will be an incident ahead and someone’s safety is at risk if you continue. If this happens during your race run you should make your way back to the start of the stage and go again – When you arrive back at the finish you will notify the chief timer that you had a re-run and they will calculate your time.
Racing: Only red flags will be used in racing – If you are red flagged during racing, you should wait until you are given permission to continue by the Marshal, and then continue safely to the bottom and speak with the marshal who will let you know what you need to do.
Rider Etiquette: During practice and race you may come up on or be caught by another rider: Every rider must act in a polite safe manner at all times and permit any faster rider to overtake without obstructing
Track walk: It’s advised that you walk/inspect the trickier parts of the stages before riding – There are many features and varied terrain sections. Watch out for our 2/3 arrow caution/extreme caution signs to warn you of even trickier bits. If you see a Extreme caution sign there will be an easier rollable line which could be a separate taped line or within the main tapes.
Transitions: It’s compulsory to follow the marked transitions on your race lap, please obey marshals instructions.
Whistles: Every time a rider passes a Marshal they will blow his/her whistle. This lets people around know that there is a rider about and it also lets you know that in the instance of hearing a second whistle as you pass then there is someone right behind you.
Spectators : Spectators are advised to follow marshal instructions, stay out of the taped zone and not to stand in crash area's
Photographers: A spectator with a camera is not a photographer, actual professional or amateur photographers who can show PLI & attend a safety briefing can get a special wristband and have access almost all area's.
Respect the officials and helpers & Follow instructions given: Anyone found to be swearing or giving abuse to any of our Event Staff whether that be Marshals, Timers, Helpers, Medics etc will be asked to leave the event. If you have a problem whether you’re racing or perhaps on behalf of your son or daughter then come and talk to any of the core team. (Organisers Kev & Mike or Chief Marshal Dunc) or any marshal.
Those that know us always find we are reasonable and willing to listen and will help or advise the best we can.
Careful driving to event: Please be advised that when driving to the venue to be cautious while driving.
Information & Course Map . Additional or updated information may be on display in the Rider Registration area along with a course map. A Public Announcement Facility may also be used to make announcements throughout the day.
Toilets & Showers : Available at the visitor centre, overnight the disabled toilet will be left unlocked.
Litter: Please take your litter home with you. Please if you can check around your car before leaving. Litter includes goggle tear offs, inner tubes and gel wrappers - all these cannot be disposed of onto the floor, even during a race stage.
Race Timing: You will be issued with a timing chip on Sunday monring. You will be 100% responsible for assuring that your transponder stays with you failure to do so will result in your time not being recorded. You will be able to set off 5-20 seconds behind the rider in front or as instructed by the marshal.
Armour: There are no specific armour rules for this event. Only that a helmet is compulsory. Full face helmet is advised. Knee pads & gloves are strongly advised. We cant advise strongly enough that knee pads, gloves & long sleeves should really be worn. We expect some riders to use full faces helmets on the stages but remind you that unless you are walking with your bike a helmet is 100% compulsory to be worn at all times, correctly fastened
Health & Safety: Anyone wearing headphones whilst riding on course (with a bike) will be disqualified – No second chances. You have been warned! Helmets worn correctly at all times whilst between the tape.
No pushing back up the track during practice or racing, no walking the course during race runs. Absolutely no travelling in the wrong direction on the stages at any time. The arrows will lead you too the next stage, or if you wish to session a stage you may need to consult the trail map for a suitable route.
There are certainly some rocky sections, but also some loamy stages. Kev says its probably not worth lugging round DH tyres at this one, but dont blame him if you puncture!
BAR END PLUGS MUST BE FITTED - You will not be allowed to enter the course without them
You will see a number of the rules and regulations require you do to certain things at certain times – Failure to adhere to these rules could result in you having to ride back to the car park, go back down the field or be disqualified – I’ve tried to make it simple and straight forward for everyone.
No outside assistance is allowed and no racers riding as domestiques. Tech support is provided.
A more complete set of rules is listed here
Borderline Events reserves the right to modify or cancel the event if circumstances beyond the control of the organiser should arise. This includes cancellation of event due to extreme weather, acts of God, violence, civil disobedience and war.
If the event is cancelled we will not be liable for costs of travel fares, hotels, or any other expenses that may be incurred.
It is your responsibility to ensure the race is going ahead before travelling. We will do our best to inform you if the race has to be cancelled but we do not accept liability if we are unable to contact you. We strongly advise that you check before making travel and accommodation arrangements.
If the event is cancelled we would endeavour to reschedule if possible. Please be aware that we may be unable to refund or part refund any entry fee. We are also may be unable to transfer your entry to another event.
See you all at the weekend – Kev and Mike, as well as other members of the team will be around on Saturday and Sunday so feel free to ask any questions.
Mike Marsden – Event Organiser
Kev Duckworth – Series Promoter