Lancashire Cycling Strategy Workshop

Published on: Nov 05 2011 by Jon Swift

LancsSportLancashire Cycling Steering Group are holding a Lancashire Cycling Strategy Consultation Workshop on Monday 21 November 1.00pm - 4.00pm at Preston Town Hall. The Lancashire Cycling Steering Group was reformed in October 2010 and includes representatives from a broad selection of agencies who share common objectives about cycling. The Steering Group is governed by Terms of Reference which you can download here.

The core purpose of the group is to offer leadership and direction to the coordinated development of cycling across Lancashire. This has the overall aim to grow and sustain participation in cycling whether this is in cycling sport, utility cycling, active recreation, active living or cycle tourism. Over the past 12months the group has led the development of a Lancashire Cycling Strategy and the associated Action Plan. The purpose of the strategy is to add value to the already extensive cycling work that is delivered across Lancashire in order to help create a measurable change in the number of people cycling in Lancashire. The Cycling Steering Group are now undertaking an extensive consultation on the Lancashire Cycling Strategy (draft copy of which can be downloaded here) and looking for feedback from local cycling organisations or groups. PMBA will of course have a representative attending.

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