Borderline Events – Another  Sponsor for PMBA

Published on: Apr 11 2013 by Jon Swift

We've had a rush of new members in 2013 with 50 new members signing up along with renewals from existing members. We've also had Borderline Events very generously agree to become a corporate sponsor (hence the new logo down there on the right hand side).

Borderline are currently working up the possibility of an event at Gisburn in the near future, things are at an early stage so we can't say too much but everyone's in general agreement that there's some really exciting potential. Kev Duckworth, PMBA's newly elected communications officer, is working with Mike Marsden to identify potential routes and generally pull a proposal together that works for Borderline and the Forestry Commission (and of course the riders and racers using the trails. As things firm up we'll update you here.

Borderline have decided to support a number of good causes this year and felt that what PMBA is doing was worth supporting (which we really appreciate). Borderline started in 2007 with practice weekends in Wales. From there they've progressed to running full race weekends and Regional and National Championships (in 2010 with British and Welsh Cycling). Today as well as continuing to organise their events they also hire out their expertise and timing system to other event organisers.

The great thing about Borderline Events is that it was started due to their wish and desire to ride their bikes more. They wanted to offer a personal touch with a good service where riders of all levels and abilities were welcome. It's not just the racers who benefit, as Mike puts it "Basically I collect money from riders for number boards and give most of it away, where some organisers keep the money for boards I pledged early on that the riders money would help good causes – not really my money at all, I just decide where it goes." and that would include the Gisburn trail building fund if the event gets the green light.


For more information about Borderline Events and details of their upcoming races have a look at their website at Round 2 of the the 2013 North West MTB Series is coming up on the 28th of April with round 3 scheduled for the 16th of June. Both races will be held at Farmer Johns near Stockport.

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