A significant extension to the wind farm on to the south west of Lee Quarry is currently going through the consultation phase with potential for another 20 turbines being added to the already sizeable development on Scout Moor.
The previous turbines went in before Lee and Cragg were opened as the superb mountain biking venues that we now have and largely had no impact on the trails (visually impact aside but that's another argument). The current proposal is different and will impact on the both the Mary Towneley Loop and the link between Lee and Cragg Quarries.
As can be seen from the map to the left (PMBA members can download a more detailed .pdf version of the map by clicking on it) Rooley Moor Road which the Mary Towneley Loop runs straight through the middle of this new development. The link between Lee Quarry and Cragg Quarry is also likely to impacted with one of the turbines being situated very close to it's existing route.
The good news is P.M.B.A. is one of the local groups that has been asked to submit comments as part of the consultation process. As such we've been given access to the scoping report and other documents being submitted from the developers.
The scoping report is admittedly pretty comprehensive covering all sorts of aspects of the development including the impacts on heritage, the landscape, geology, hydrology, ecology, transport and access plus a few more ologies. Worryingly from our point of view mountain bikers get very little mention in the report, there's a brief reference to Lee Quarry being adjacent to the site and a tiny mention of 'cyclists' being users of the Mary Towneley Loop but that's it. Most worryingly there is no mention of the link between the quarries either in the report or on the public rights of way map submitted with the planning consultation documents.
We've spoken to our partners, in particular the Pennine Bridleway rangers and contacts within Lancashire County Council and Rossendale Borough Council so we're all aware of the potential issues with the development and we've submitted our concerns in writing as part of the planning consultation.
All we can hope now is our concerns are heeded, at least we've been asked to participate which is one of the key reasons P.M.B.A. was founded in the first place and shows that as a group we're beginning to have a voice on behalf of the local riders we represent. We'll keep you updated.
P.M.B.A. members can see a copy of our submission to planning consultation by clicking the link below (enter the password and username you've been given when prompted). Members can also access the scoping report via the link. Not a member yet, sign up through our online membership form.
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