Gisburn Mid Week Digs

Published on: Jul 27 2011 by Jon Swift

Mid Week DigYesterday saw the first evening 'dig day' at Gisburn Forest and despite the after hours timing we had a pretty good turn out. Arranged on the hoof via Facebook (I take back all the negative things I've said about Facebook, well some of them anyway). We managed to get a fair bit done including some refinements to the line of the section dug out on the previous dig day as well as new construction like the monster berm to keep you on line for the latest swoop. The weather was on our side and we worked until the light went battling through the clouds of midges and flies to get the work done. Towards the end of the evening talk was a bit limited as we didn't want to choke on a mouth full of flies.

Despite the rather desperate picture I've just painted of conditions people seem to have got a kick (if not a sting) out of evening digging and Facebook has worked it's magic again, we're on for another fly eating session on Thursday the 4th of August. Gates should be open from 5 o'clock onwards. For more details of Gisburn volunteer trail building including a map of where we meet take a look at the Gisburn volunteers page.

The forestry team have been busy between dig days as well, brashing a route in for tracked dumper so that 30 tonnes of graded walling stone and limestone gravel can be delivered to where we're currently working. This will make a massive difference and speed the build up even further. Considering this latest section was only started on the 11th of March we're way ahead of where we expected to be at this point. The fire road is in site and it's still the middle of the summer.For those of you not able to escape work early and come digging after work we have a scheduled dig day planned for Sunday the 14th of August. It should be a mammoth topping off day for all the digging work we've done recently. With the promise of both power carriers coming out to play and the materials drop we should get a lot of trail ready for test riding.

There's also talk of arranging a camp over dig day for the end of August, possibly the bank holiday weekend. Martin's threatened to provide some liquid refreshment and a field. If anyone's up for it let us know at . If there's enough interest we'll get it organised.

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