Gisburn Facilities Expansion – Your Views Needed

Published on: Jun 21 2011 by Jon Swift

Gisburn CP FullSite ThumbAs some of you may be aware Gisburn's got great plans for a new car park and skills area along with better facilities. It’s currently going through the planning process and we're trying to secure significant funding to actually build it. We have a major application in at the moment but we need to provide more supporting documentation which is where you come in. One of things needed is an assessment of the need for the facilities upgrade. Could you spend five minutes (that’s all) and fill in the online survey hosted here: [Survey is no longer required]

No personal details are required except your postcode. The more people who fill in the survey the more credibility the funding application will have.

Even if you haven't visited Gisburn but are may do in the future it would be worth filling it in.

As soon as planning permission is (hopefully) approved we'll post up additional details and plans of the proposals.


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