Gisburn Repairs Updates

Published on: Apr 06 2011 by Jon Swift

Gisburn diggerMartin Colledge writes "Repairs to the8 bike trail at Herd Hill, on the approach to Whelp Stone Crag, are ahead of schedule. Trail should be re-opened in a day or two. The trail surface had become extremely rough, but now looks a bit like a BMX track! I'm sure surface will scuff up a bit with use but it could be a fast ride at first. "

This is excellent news and shows the FC guys and Martin in particulars commitment to the trails at Gisburn. The repairs all cost money which in the current climate is Tracked dumper Herd Hill Gisburn increasingly difficult to come by (hence the need for car parking charges coming soon, see below).Gisburn dumper On the digging front there's a dig day planned for this Sunday the 10th of April which Martin will be leading. Lending a hand on a dig day is about the best way to show appreciation for the work done by Martin and his team over the last three years. If you want to come and help just email us at .

We're currently building brand new single track by hand although we do have tracked wheel barrows!

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